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Be a Big Part of a Small Community

Theme Programs bring together students with a shared identity, interest, or academic area into unique living and learning environments. The programs combine all the opportunities of a large university with all the benefits of a small, close-knit community.

Activities center around the thematic connection and may include off-campus excursions, workshops, faculty dinners, study groups, social events, and other opportunities to foster shared experience around similar identities, interests, and/or values. Students participate in a weekly for-credit seminar, semester retreats, community service, and leadership activities all tied to the Theme Program, which is co-sponsored by an academic department.

Details on each community are described on the page for each program below:

Program Location
African American (AATP) Unit 1 (Christian Hall)
Bloom Asian American (Bloom) Unit 2 (Towle Hall)
Casa Magdalena Mora (Casa) Unit 3 (Beverly Cleary)
Global Environment Theme House (GETH) Clark Kerr Campus
Native American (NATP) Unit 1 (Slottman Hall)
South Asian, Southwest Asian, and North African Living Community Pilot Program (SSWANA) Unit 2 (Towle Hall)
UNITY Theme Program  (UNITY) Unit 3 (Spens-Black Hall)
Empowering Womxn in STEAM  (WiSE) Unit 4 (Stern)

How to Join

Being a part of a Theme Program can help you find your community, explore your identities, and build connections across campus and beyond. Explore all eight Theme Programs and review each program’s requirements and expectations.

To apply, complete a UC Berkeley housing application by the deadline. Indicate which Theme Programs you are interested in and submit your application. You’ll need to answer supplemental essay questions for each theme program you apply to. Theme Programs are optional, and there’s no extra cost beyond the cost of your housing.

A selection committee will review applications, and you’ll be notified when you receive your housing offer.

UC Berkeley does not use race as a criteria in making housing assignments and uses sex/gender as a criteria in making housing assignments only as permitted by UC anti-discrimination policies.


What if I’ve already applied for housing and now I want to live in a Theme Program?

You can go back to the Theme Program page on your housing application by logging back into the housing application portal. Then choose the Theme Program step on the left-hand Application Menu. On the Theme Program page, you can enter/modify your preferences and submit essay answers, and then hit the “Save & Continue” button at the bottom of the page.

Be Excited About Your Future

Neha S

“Unity House is a safe, supportive environment. You can be your queer/trans self without having to worry about heteronormative policing. You can make lots of friends and have (in)formal introductions to QT resources. Unity House is a powerful learning experience. You will grow as a person through self-reflection.” (UNITY)
Neha S., Legal Studies major, UNITY Theme Program (UNITY)

Elleasse T

“You will make lifelong friends. You will have a sense of community and feel at home all year long. You will always be reminded of how important your voice and presence is.”
Elleasse T., Political Science major, African American Theme Program (AATP)

John F

“Your accessibility to the Berkeley Sustainability ecosystem is phenomenal, and you will be empowered with the opportunity to grow your interest within environmentalism — through lecturers, personal projects, and the most passionate peers you may ever meet.“
John F., Cognitive Science Major, Global Environment Theme House (GETH)

Solei S

“Every speaker in the seminars emphasized how we as students have the ability to connect with people on campus to make a difference where we see fit. I will always remember this as I continue my academic career at Berkeley.”
Solei S., Cognitive Science major, Global Environment Theme House (GETH)